Saturday 14 September 2013

How to Get Kids to Sleep

child sleeping in bed                             Ringing school bells mean earlier wake-up times, which certainly take some getting used to. But rubbing eyes and stifling yawns could be a sign of sleep deprivation—a serious problem as kids head back to school.

“We know that the effects of sleep deprivation are various, including poor performance on tests and activities to behavioral problems,” says Michael Breus, PhD, a psychologist and sleep disorder specialist. Other potentially more serious problems include suppressed immune systems, impaired short-term memory and weight gain. Even more, the issue is becoming almost commonplace in schools: According to a recent study by Boston College, 80% of 13- and 14-year-olds in the U.S. are sleep deprived.

Younger kids should get 10 to 11 hours of sleep per night, while teens need 9 to 10 hours. But how do you make sure your child starts off the year with a solid sleep routine? Dr. Breus recommends waking your child up at the same time they will get up for school every day for a week before, while also slowly moving the bedtime earlier. “They are going to be a disaster,” he says. “They’re going to be cranky; they’re not going to want to get out of bed; they’re going to argue. But they have to understand that their bodies have to get ready for school.”

If kids have a hard time falling asleep, Kim West, a licensed family therapist, suggests using ambient sound to help them snooze. “In utero, we grew with constant white noise,” she says. “You need to create a sleep-inducing environment that is cool, dark and has white noise if, for example, you live in a loud area with barking dogs and garbage trucks at 3 A.M.” A member of the cloud b advisory board, she recommends a multi-sensory product like the Tranquil Turtle ($47.95; that plays soft melodies and glows like a nightlight.
Most important, both Dr. Breus and West agree, is regulating technology time. The bright light of a screen prevents the brain from shutting down for the night. “With teenagers, impose an electronic curfew,” Dr. Breus urges. “One hour before lights out, computers are off, Blackberrys are off, iPhones are off. Then they’re either reading or studying—something that’s a little more calming, rather than super interactive. Dim the lights and let your mind and body know it’s time for bed.”

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